Tuesday 15 September 2015

If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last... 19/9/15

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Seven Sacraments displayed above the door of an Irish church. 

Welcome back to a little liturgy.  Apologies for the short break  - I am hoping to resume blogging weekly now.  This week's picture of a church offering the Sacraments with open gates struck me as I was holidaying in Ireland.  I hope you can use it with your children this week. 

Summary of the Liturgy of the Word

First Reading 
Wisdom 2:12, 17-20
People who do not follow God will try to put the "virtuous man" to the test.  They say "Let us condemn him to a shameful death since he will be looked after".  

Psalm 53
The Lord upholds my life.

Second Reading
James 3:16-4:3
James tells us that jealousy and ambition cause trouble and that we should follow the wisdom that comes down from heaven which is pure.  Kindness, consideration and compassion are recommended.  He tells us off for fighting between ourselves and says that when we pray we should not pray to indulge our own desires.  

Mark 9:30-37
Jesus predicts his death and resurrection but the disciples do not understand and are afraid to ask.  
Next the disciples start arguing about who is best.  Jesus says "If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all."  He also tells them that if they welcome him they are welcoming "the one who sent me".  

This week the readings tell us clearly to avoid focussing on ourselves and not to be arrogant.  Both James and Jesus' audiences have been quarrelling and arguing.  These texts are timeless, as we still argue amongst ourselves today.  By doing this, we are doing what the Book of Wisdom foretells by lying "in wait for the virtuous man".  Instead we should be following Jesus who will lead us to the father.  


Click here for the words of the hymn "Lord of the Dance".  These words tell the story of Jesus' life and death - just as we hear him telling them in today's Gospel.  
Draw a picture for each verse to show the pattern of Jesus' life.  
The hymn ends with "I'll Iive in you if you'll live in me".
What does it mean to live in Christ?
One of the ways we can help ourselves to live in Christ is to read the Bible and participate in the sacraments:
Holy Communion
The Sacrament of the Sick  
Make sure that you understand what each of these are and then choose one to research further.  

I hope you have found something to prompt discussion this week!


Saturday 22 August 2015

We know that you are the Holy One of God 23.8.15

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Cross of the Scriptures, Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly

This week a little liturgy looks again at belief and our relationship with God.  This week's photo shows one of the more famous Irish high crosses which were often used to illustrate the Bible and as a teaching aid to help understanding of the scriptures; I guess we have the internet today!

Summary of the Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Joshua 24:1-2,15-17,18
Joshua tells the people that they must serve the Lord or go and find another God.  They state their allegiance to the God who brought them out of slavery, saying "We too will serve the Lord, for he is our God".  

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Second Reading
Ephesians 5:21-32
St Paul tells us that the Church is Christ's body and "we are its living parts".  Christ loved the Church like a husband loves his wife and we must become one with him.  

John 6:60-69
Christ asks the twelve if they will stay with him.  They reply "Lord, who shall we go to?"  However, some others found his teachings too difficult and left.


All of these readings explore the relationship between God and humankind.  It is not always an easy one.  The Israelites complained just as the disciples complained.  In the Gospel some followers say "This is intolerable language.  How could anyone accept it?  
This question is an important one for us because some of the things we believe are very difficult to accept.  Jesus says that no one can come to believe in him "unless the Father allows him."  This is what we mean when we say that someone has faith; they are led to Jesus through the Father.  


A)  Consider the first section of the Creed.  Fill in the gaps below:

I believe in    ---       ---   , the Father    --------,    maker of    ------    and   -----   , of all things    -------    

and    ---------.

I believe in one    ----        -----    ------,        the    ----       --------    Son of God, 

born of the Father before    ---    ----   ,

God from God,    -----    from   -----,    true    ---    from    ----    God,

begotten, not    ----   ,    --------------    with the Father;

through him all things were made.  

B)  Now think carefully about what you are saying here.  Write out the passage in your own words.  Imagine that you have to explain this to someone who is not Christian.  How would you help them understand what you believe?

C)  Draw out the story of the Gospel today.  Use speech bubbles to show what the believers and the non-believers say and what Jesus said to them.  

D)  We did not read the previous section from the Gospel of John last week as it was the Feast of the Assumption.  Look back in your missal or Bible and find out what it was that made Jesus's followers so upset.

E)  Make a list of some things that you find difficult to believe.  Ask someone about them and try to do some research about why we believe these things.  

I hope you all have a good week!


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Of all women you are the most blessed. 16/8/15

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Statue of Our Lady at Knock Shrine Co. Mayo

This week in a little liturgy we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption (moved from 15th August).  I have always found the passage from the Apocalypse a difficult one and remember being mystified and somewhat horrified by it as a child.  I hope that you are able to explore it in a fruitful way with the resources below.   

Summary of the Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Apocalypse 11;19; 12:1-6,10
This reading tells of a vision where a woman appeared in the heavens, standing on the moon with stars for a crown.  The woman gave birth to a son but a seven headed dragon was waiting to eat him.  However, the child was taken up to heaven away from danger.

Psalm 44
On your right stands the queen, in garments of gold.

Second Reading
Corinthians 15:20-26
Paul reminds us that death came to the world through Adam but Christ came to conquer death.

Luke 1:39-56
Luke tells of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth; when Mary arrived the child Elizabeth was carrying in her womb leapt for joy.  (This was John the Baptist.)  Elizabeth recognised that Mary was blessed and carrying the Lord.  Mary says a prayer that we now know as "The Magnificant", praising God.


The Book of the Apocalypse (also known as the Book of Revelation) is quite different from other books in the New Testament.  It was written in order to encourage early Christians who were suffering persecution.  It is in line with the Jewish tradition of using rich imagery to sum up mankind's situation in the world and the relationship with the world to come.  We might look at the writings as a puzzle to be solved and indeed, if we look back to the Old Testament, much of the imagery and many of the references are apparent.  The passage in today's First Reading highlights Mary's role in the birth of the Saviour and hence her part in the redemption of the world.  
The Gospel shows a more human and practical side to Mary, as a cousin visiting her cousin.  When she is greeted and recognised as blessed she praises the Lord.  
These two Biblical accounts encapsulate the diversity of Mary's role, showing the simplicity of her everyday life combined with her special calling to be the mother of God.  


1.  Read again the passage about the seven headed dragon.  Draw a picture of it and then consider what this might represent.  

2.  Elizabeth says to Mary "Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb."  Which prayer do these words remind you of?

3.  Look back at the words Mary says from Today's Gospel starting,  "My soul proclaims..."
Write down other words or phrases that could be used instead of the words listed below to give the same meaning:


4.  Mary's prayer is often referred to as a canticle and has its roots in Jewish tradition.  Look, for example, at the Song of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2.  

5.  Click here for a rendition of the Magnificat with pictures and here for the beautiful Taize version.  

I hope you have enjoyed thinking about Mary this week.  

Saturday 8 August 2015

Anyone who eats this bread will live forever (9.8.15)

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Welcome to a little liturgy.  If you have not visited the blog before please click here to find out what it's about.  This week I thought we might begin to address transubstantiation and explore how we think about everlasting life.  There is also a brief reference to the current debate about assisted suicide at the end of today's blog, as I think it is important to discuss ethical issues from a young age.  However, I have put it at the end as I am aware that some children may not be ready for such a discussion.

Summary of Liturgy of the word

First Reading
Kings 19:4-8
Elijah is fed up and wishes that he were dead. He says "Lord, I have had enough.  Take my life."  God responds by sending an angel and giving him bread and water.

Psalm 33
Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Second Reading
Ephesians 4:30-5:2
St Paul urges us to be kind to each other and not to hold grudges.  We must treat each other as God treats us with forgiveness and love.

John 6:41-51
People were complaining about Jesus and said that he was boasting because of his words "I am the bread that came down from heaven".  They said that he was Jesus, son of Joseph and could not have come from God.  Jesus tells them that people are drawn to him by the Father and that "everybody who believes has eternal life".  He says that he will give his flesh as living bread for the life of the world.


There are some very complex ideas presented to us in today's Gospel.  Jesus says "the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world".  The apostles found it difficult to accept the idea that the bread Jesus offered was his own flesh.  Certainly, it seems an extraordinary claim and even a little unpleasant.  Over the last two thousand years, there has been much debate about how these words should be interpreted.  Catholics believe that the bread and wine offered at Mass actually becomes Christ's flesh and blood and that in receiving Holy Communion we receive the body and blood of Christ.

Perhaps even more difficult to understand is Jesus' promise that anyone who eats his flesh and drinks his blood will live forever.  We know that one day we will die but we believe that there is a better life to come which we can experience with God.  To be Christian is to believe that Christ died and rose again so that we can enjoy a life with God after death.  It is not easy to understand how this might happen because we have a very limited view of our existence.  One way that we can grow in understanding is to focus closely on Biblical passages, like this one from St John's Gospel, and pray and discuss things with our friends and family.


Today we hear the story of Elijah.  Draw a picture for each part of the story:

1.  Elijah sat exhausted under a furze bush.

2.  Elijah complained to God.

3.  An angel appeared and gave Elijah bread and water.  

4.  Elijah ate and drank.

5.  Elijah was strengthened and walked a long way to reach Horeb.

Now consider the Jewish people at the time of Jesus:  

1.  They felt oppressed by the Romans.

2.  They grumbled and were waiting for a Messiah to set them free.

3.  Jesus was born into the world.

4.   He gave his flesh and blood at the Last Supper and on the cross.

5.  The early apostles followed Jesus and built his Church.

Now consider ourselves:

1.  We can get disheartened by life and doubt our faith.

2.  We can grumble and complain about the Church and our lives.

3.  We are baptised and become part of the Church.

4.  We take part in the sacraments and receive Holy Communion.

5.  We are encouraged and strengthened to follow Christ to eternal life.

Extra materials

This week we hear that Elijah is fed up and wants to die.  God does not let him; he still has a plan for him.  This reading provoked me to think about the current debate around assisted suicide and to introduce the topic in family discussion.  

The article below might be a helpful starting point but please vet it first before reading with your child as it addresses some sensitive issues.

Kids Britannica article on Euthanasia

For adults, there are some informative views about the debate expressed here and here.

I hope you have found something helpful in this week's a little liturgy.


Saturday 1 August 2015

I am the bread of life. (2.8.15)

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Welcome to a little liturgy.  This week we focus on bread.  We see the links between the Old and New Testament and consider our expectations about God.  
Summary of Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
The Israelites were hungry and complained to Moses.  They said he had led them into a wilderness with no food.  They even said that they would have been better as slaves back in Egypt.  The Lord said to Moses, "I will rain down bread for you from the heavens."
When they woke in the morning the Israelites saw a powdery substance on the ground.  Moses told them that it was the bread that the Lord had provided.

Psalm 77
The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

Second Reading
Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
St Paul warns us that we should not live aimless lives but should ignore false desires and listen to Christ.  He says that we should undergo a "spiritual revolution" and start a new life.

John 6:24-35
Jesus tells us that we should not look for food that cannot last but work for food that will last for ever.    He says that just as Moses and his people received bread from heaven, we too can receive everlasting bread.
He then says, "I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst".


Jesus says "I am the bread of life".  Bread is something crucial for most people.  He is saying that without him we cannot survive.  As Christians, we are hungry and thirsty, just like the Israelites in the desert.  They were released from slavery but freedom was not as easy as they had anticipated.   We were released from the slavery of death when Christ died for us but we do not always find this freedom easy or what we might have expected.


Make a list of all the different types of bread you have eaten this week.  Do a little research about how bread is made how different cultures and places have different bread according to their needs.  

Draw a storyboard of the Israelites complaining and then waking up to find manna on the ground.  Write in what they might have said to each other.

Jesus said "I am the bread of life."  Many people found this difficult to understand.  Look at the parts of the Mass that talk about bread and discuss what he means by this.  

Have a good week!


Friday 24 July 2015

You open wide your hand, O lord, and grant our desires. 26.7.15

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

The basilica in Lourdes

Welcome to a little liturgy.  This week we talk of miracles.  As I write, I am thinking of my friends in Lourdes on the Ampleforth Pilgrimage.  As everyone knows, it is a place of many miracles; as everyone who has visited knows, the miracles are not always of the conventional kind.  It is a place where it seems natural to follow the advice of St Paul to "bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience."   

Summary of Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Kings 4:42-44
Elisha gives food to his servant to distribute to a hundred men.  His servant remarks that it is not enough but Elisha tells him that the Lord has said, "They will eat and have some left over".

Psalm 144
You open wide your hand, O Lord, you grant our desires.

Second Reading
Ephesians 4:1-6
St Paul tells us to be charitable, selfless, gentle and patient.  He also reminds us to be together always, since there is "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all".

John 6:1-15
The Gospel tells us the familiar story often known as "the feeding of the five thousand" or the "miracle of the loaves and fishes".  Jesus notes that the people who had gathered to listen to him might need feeding and asks the disciples to distribute food to them.  There are only "five barley loaves and two fish".  The disciples are incredulous but after Jesus has said the blessing, they gave out as much as was wanted and there were twelve basketfuls remaining.


Miracles are difficult to comprehend and perhaps even more difficult to distinguish from magic.  Certainly, it is easy in this Gospel story, to imagine Jesus' words of blessing acting as some kind of multiplying spell and, hey presto, there were many more loaves and fishes.  It may be more helpful to consider what the miracle signifies.  

Paragraph 547 of the Catechism says, "Jesus accompanies his words with many "mighty works and wonders and signs", which manifest that the kingdom is present in him and attest that he was the promised Messiah."

Some people believe that everyone present became aware of the needs of their neighbour and that they followed the example set by the young boy and Jesus and all shared.  This is exactly what St Paul asks of us in his letter to the Ephesians today; we should be "charitable" and "selfless".

Pope Francis talks about this kind of charity below: 

"When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them—some food, a place in our homes, our time—not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always ‘add more water to the beans’! Is it possible to add more water to the beans?…Always?…And you do so with love, demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!"(Pope Francis, Address during Visit to the Community at Varginha, 7/25/13)


The events described in the Gopsel today can be linked to the Last Supper and the fact that in the Eucharist God provides food for his people.  

Below is the start of the blessing used in Jewish households before eating bread:  

"Blessed are you Lord King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth."

Find the similar words in the text of the Mass you are following.  
Continue the words of this blessing to write your own grace before a meal.  

The link below shows a modern Jewish family blessing and sharing bread.  How is this ritual similar to what the priest does at Mass?  What makes our Eucharist different from this?  

Jewish blessing for eating bread

I hope you all have a good week and enjoy the challenge of considering miracles.  

Friday 17 July 2015

They were like sheep without a shepherd. (19/7/15)

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Welcome to a little liturgy.  This week we return to thinking of ourselves as sheep.  I hope you find something thought provoking below.  

Summary of Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Jeremiah tells us of God's message about his sheep.  God says that his sheep have been scattered and not cared for properly but that he intends to gather them back together.  He says that he will also raise a new king who will practise "honesty and integrity".

Psalm 22
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Second Reading
Ephesians 2:13-18
St Paul tells us that Christ brought unity amongst people and also peace.

Mark 6:30-34
The apostles were tired from preaching so Jesus took them by boat to a quiet place to rest.  However, word spread and their followers had already arrived ahead of them.  There was now a large crowd.  Jesus took pity on them because "they were like sheep without a shepherd".  He spent time teaching them himself.


Sheep without a shepherd lack a purpose and any sense of direction.  From very early days, as shown in today's reading from Jeremiah, the idea that the people were like sheep in relation to God was familiar.  This imagery is taken up in the New Testament and confirms for us the relationship between God the Father and God the Son who are both cast as shepherds.
Today we cannot see the shepherd but are familiar with his words and directions.  Being led by a shepherd also makes us one of a whole flock.  Sometimes this can be troubling; indeed it is not a great compliment to be called a "sheep."   Even though, as members of Christ's church, we have many essential things in common, we do not always have to behave in exactly the same way.  

Paragraph 1776 of the Catechism notes:  "Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment. . . . For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God. . . . His conscience is man's most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths."

This voice calling could be rather like a shepherd.  It is interesting to think about what exactly we mean by conscience and how we develop a conscience.  Of course what ultimately makes us part of the flock is our willingness to follow the Good Shepherd and trust in him.  

Activities during the homily

Look again at the Psalm - it is probably the most well loved psalm.  Draw out the images below:

1.  fresh and green pastures
2.  the right path
3.  a banquet
4.  an overflowing cup
5.  the Lord's house

Match these pictures with the verb phrases below:

A.  drinking from
B.  reposing in
C.  dwelling in
D.  being guided along
E.  eating  

All these activities are pleasant and comforting.  They are associated with caring and giving protection.  The psalmist says that even if he had to walk through "the valley of darkness" he would not be afraid.  This is what Jesus gives us as the Good Shepherd.  He gives us a confidence that we will be cared for and that with him we should not fear evil.  

Extra Resources

For a lovely rendition of Psalm 23 click on to youtube here. The more traditional version can be sung along to here.  

I hope you have a good week.


Thursday 2 July 2015

12/7/15 Take nothing for the journey.

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Statue of St Benedict at Ampleforth Abbey

This week a little liturgy focusses on discipleship and hospitality.  These themes were prompted by the today's gospel and the celebration of the feast of St Benedict yesterday.  If you are new, click on "Introducing a little liturgy" to find out more.  N.B. this post is a week early - if you are looking for resources for 14th Sunday in Ordinary time, please scroll down.

Summary of Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Amos 7:12-15
The priest, Amaziah rejects the prophet Amos and tells him to leave the area.  However, Amos says that he was chosen by God and left his job as a shepherd when God said, "Go, prophesy to my people Israel.  

Psalm 84
Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help.  

Second Reading
Ephesians 1:3-14
St Paul tells us that we are blessed and that we should become God's adopted children.  He also reminds us that Jesus shed his blood so that we may be free. 
Mark 6:7-13
This week we see Jesus sending his disciples out in pairs to preach repentance for sins and heal their problems.  He said that they would not need money or possessions but that they were to rely on the hospitality of others.  


Last week we heard that Jesus was rejected in his own homeland and today we see an Old Testament prophet, "Amos", being rejected by a local priest.   In the Gospel, Jesus advises the disciples to walk away from those who will not listen and "shake off the dust from under your feet as a sign to them."  

It is not always easy to preach God's word and it is not always easy to accept it.  Jesus tells his disciples to accept hospitality and "take nothing for the journey except a staff".  He knows that their job will not be easy but wants them to trust in God to provide shelter and people who will listen.  

As a young nobleman, St Benedict was disgusted by the way the rich lived and were obsessed with possessions.  When he wrote the rules for his monastery he said, "All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ".   Today, Benedictine monasteries still have guesthouses and welcome people from all walks of life.  

Activity during Homily

When we say that we believe in Christ we are welcoming him into our lives and offering him hospitality.  We do not want him to walk away disappointed.  

When a friend visits us:

1.  We greet them 
2.  We apologise if we have upset them
3.  We listen to what they have to say
4.  We share a meal
5.  We honour them
6.  We say thank you

The experience of being in church for Mass is rather like offering hospitality to Christ.  He is bringing us great news and gifts.  We offer him hospitality in our lives and we are able to do this in a special way through the Mass.  

See if you can link the parts of the Mass below to the actions above:

A.  The Gloria
B.  The Introductory Rite
C.  The Liturgy of the Word
D.  Prayers after Communion
E.  The Confiteor (I confess...)
F.  Holy Communion

When we receive Holy Communion we are united to Christ in a very close way.  Look at the prayer below:

"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."  This is said before communion and acknowledges that our hospitality is not always good but that we trust in God. (Link to story of centurion below.)   

Even the apostle were not always good at offering Christ hospitality.  They sometimes lacked understanding, were afraid, fell asleep or even denied that they knew Jesus.  Make a list of things in your life that make it difficult for you to offer Christ hospitality. 

Other activities and resources

Click here to find out more about St Benedict.  And here to watch an informative youtube video.

You might also like to listen to some modern Benedictine monks at prayer here.

Read more about the Gospel story of the centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant - you can find it in St Matthew's Gospel, Chp.8.  

I hope you have found something helpful this week.  

Wednesday 1 July 2015

5/7/15 For it is when I am weak that I am strong.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Welcome back to a little liturgy.  This week's focus is on St Paul and his work.  After a shaky start, he became a great missionary and travelled widely around the Mediterranean sea.  Perhaps this week is a good opportunity to think of the difficulties that people who live in this area are having at the moment and to keep them in our prayers.  I hope you find something useful this week.  Please click on "introducing a little liturgy" if you are new!  

Summary of Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Ezekiel  2:2-5
Ezekiel tells how he is sent by God to the Israelites who have become obstinate.  God says to him that the Israelites "shall know that there is a prophet among them".

Psalm 122
Our eyes are on the Lord till he shows us his mercy.

Second reading
2Corinthians 12:7-10
St Paul tells us that he feels very privileged to have heard God's special words but that he could get a bit too arrogant about it.  He says that God has given him a "thorn in the flesh" or an "angel of Satan" to stop him from getting too proud.  He is happy to have this problem because, as he says, "it is when I am weak that I am strong".

Mark 6:1-6
Jesus went to his home town to preach but the people were suspicious as he had grown up there.  They were too familiar with him and could not respect him or believe in his words.  Jesus said "A prophet is only despised in his own country among his own relations and in his own house."


Last week, we celebrated the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul but focused a little more on Peter than Paul.  This week, we hear St Paul talk about a problem that he has.  Interestingly, he uses two metaphors to describe it but does not ever describe it in a straightforward way.  This could suggest that he is too embarrassed to talk about it or that his immediate audience already knew what it was.  Over the years, many scholars have suggested what it might be.  Some say that he struggled with belief, some that it was a physical illness and some say that he had difficulty controlling anger.  Others suggest that it was a reference to the difficulties he experienced in life.

St Paul says "it is when I am weak that I am strong".  Many things about being a Christian seem contradictory.  To many people, Jesus was not the sort of Messiah they were looking for.  They thought that someone would come and fight for them to be free from Roman rule.  They might well have viewed Jesus as weak.  However, even though in human terms he appeared weak and was crucified, he conquered death and demonstrated the power of God.  St Paul tells us that he has a problem to deal with and he finds strength in fighting against it and following the word of God.  

Activity during Homily

1)  Draw a picture of a "thorn in the flesh". 

This is clearly an unpleasant image.  It makes us think of pain and being hurt.   

Now draw two images that make you think of pleasant feelings and being close to God.  You might choose a rose in contrast to a thorn and another thing that makes you feel safe and happy.  Look around your church for some inspiration.  Sometimes symbols can help us express feelings and ideas more clearly than words.

2)  St Paul wrote many letters to people after he had visited them to remind them about the important things that Jesus taught.

Make a list of 5 things that you consider are important to know about Jesus and his teaching.  You could look in the Creed if you need some help.  






Jesus left us the Church to help us deal with the "thorns" that we encounter in life.  One could say that St Paul himself started as a thorn in the flesh of the Church but then turned into a positive influence!

Other Activities and Resources

A)  Click  here for a lighthearted account of some of the difficulties that Paul encountered and here for another lighthearted account of where he went. 

B)  For the more serious minded, click here to view artwork based on St Paul's conversion story and read more about him here.

I hope you all have a good week.  


Saturday 27 June 2015

28.6.15 On this rock I will build my church.

Monastery at Skellig Michael ?6th-8th Century
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

As this week's readings are so rich, I have used a slightly different format for a little liturgy, to encourage us to think about them in a more focussed way.  
This week's picture is of a monk's cell on Skellig Michael.  I often  think of this when I hear the words, "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church."  
As always, if you are new, do click on "Introducing a little liturgy" and feel free to copy and use anything you like.

Summary of the Liturgy of the Word

First Reading  

Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11
King Herod decided to arrest Peter and put him in prison.  He was guarded by soldiers and locked up with chains.
During the night an angel came to rescue Peter and he was able to get free from the chains and walk past two sets of guards and out of the prison door without being discovered.
At first Peter thought it was all a dream but then he realised that he had been rescued by God.

Psalm 33
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
The angel of the Lord rescues those who revere him.  

Second Reading - 
Second Letter of St Paul to Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18
St Paul tells Timothy that he has done all that he can do to spread the word about Jesus.  He says he has "fought the good fight" and "run the race until the finish".  He is certain that God will look after him after he dies.


Matthew 16: 13-19
Jesus was talking to his disciples and asked them who they thought he was.  He called himself "the Son of Man".
His disciples told him that many people had different opinions about who he was.  Some thought he was John the Baptist, some said Jeremiah and some said Elijah.
When Jesus asked the disciples what they thought, Peter spoke up and said "You are the Christ, Son of the living God".
Jesus knew that Peter had been inspired by God in this answer and replied "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church."

Discussion and Activities 

First Reading:
What happens in our own time when religious messages come into conflict with the government of a country?  Do people go to prison because of their beliefs?
Where else do angels appear in the Bible and what is their purpose?

Second Reading:
Consider what participating in a fight and a race is like and how we feel when it is over.
Think about how fighting and running might be similar to following Jesus.  
Why might many people choose this passage as a reading for a funeral?

Who were John the Baptist, Jeremiah and Elijah?
Why might people have given these names as answers to Jesus question?
Consider how our church today is similar and different to the church that St Peter would have known.

Other Activities and Resources

1)  St Peter said to Jesus, "You are the Christ, Son of the living God". What do we call Jesus today?

Look at the text of the Mass which can be found below:

Liturgy Office

If possible, print it out and use a highlighter to mark all the different names we use for God. Below are some to look for:

Lord Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit
God the Father
Almighty God
Lamb of God
Heavenly King
The Holy One
Lord God
Son of God

2)  Listen to:

Handel's Messiah excerpt

In this piece of music, known as "For unto us a son is born", God is called:


The Mighty God
The Everlasting Father
The Prince of Peace

Consider why we have all these different names for God and what they might mean.

You can find out more about Skellig Michael here.  

I hope you have enjoyed a little liturgy this week.  
